- Designed compact 1″ x 3″, two-layer, SMD, “breadboardable” PCB to serve as a club development board for testing software, firmware, and other electrical systems.
- STMicroelectronics based
- I designed it with the ICs that we normally use for our avionics boards. It has x2 BNO055 I2C IMUs for low g-force telemetry, x2 MS5607 SPI barometers for altitude, x1 ADXL377 analog accelerometer for high g-force telemetry, and an STM32F767VIT6 MCU.
- I designed it in EAGLE, sent to a fab house for manufacturing, and assembled it all in-house in a graduate student's lab.
- Thanks Dennis!
- We wanted the GPS and radio (the most expensive parts) on a separate board so that they could be swapped from one board to another. Put a Molex connector on the board for this purpose
- We use the RFM95W-915S2 900MHz LoRa radio from Hoperf Electoronic and the NEO-7 series GPS from uBlox.